Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Not Everything is Rainbows and Unicorns...

Hello again!
You must be wondering "What is up with the titles of this blog post?". Well, today I will be discussing some issues that have been occurring in our Final Project. It is so important to discuss these things because in writing it all down is when you can improve on what is going on.

First and for most, CASTING. Casting has been a drag because of how specific our characters' ages are, especially because of our adult main characters. I had contacted some family friends that were of the perfect age for the part and they're, very conveniently a couple. Sadly, they have a very busy weekday schedule and if we were to have them be our actors, we only had one day to film, so it doesn't work. Anna's aunt is willing to be Eliza and it is very convenient that she is on spring break right now. Our main issue was that we can't find someone to act for Spencer and Ryan and they are both very important to the plot. This has helped throw our schedule off and it has been extremely stressful.
Here's when our teacher Mrs. Stoklosa comes in for the save. She gave us the great idea of not showing Spencer but implying that he's there. This gave us the idea that we could use literally any boy for this part because we aren't showing Spencer's face. Instead of showing our actor's face, we could just shoot the scenes facing his back. This allows us to not only solve a problem but also add mystery to who this Spencer is.

We are very behind schedule. We were scheduled to start filming the Monday of this week, but we haven't even finished our storyboard, or scripts. The most stressful part of it all is that next week starts spring break and I will be out of the country! I feel terrible because I don't want to leave Anna to do all this work and I also don't want to leave her frustrated because we aren't being productive. The plan was to have the main portion, the two trailers, filmed and edited by the beginning of spring break so we could both have some time to relax. It is Tuesday and we haven't started filming and I have a feeling that this trailers won't be filmed and edited in the next 9 days. This is all becoming so overwhelming and we are very stressed about the whole situation.

I will keep you updated,

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